8 V section

8 V Section

8V wedge belts can generate 1-2 times the horsepower ratings over a classic v belts. This is achieved by the "wedge" design and cord placement within the belt that offers better support while in motion. 8V wedge belts are able to withstand higher & heavier shock loads. All 8V series belts we sell have an improved outer wrap that improves the belts grip & wear resistance.

Anti-Static, Heat & Oil Resistant Higher HP Ratings Getter Grip Better Wear Resistance

8 V section
8 V section
8 V section

Why Choose Us?

NIRMAL TRANS an Indian Company with a belief that stands for achieving excellence through innovation in the transmission industry. Established a decade ago, the company is still in the growing phase, but even as a child company has proved to be a force to reckon with.

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  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
  • Accurate Testing Processes.
  • 48+ Years Of Experience.
  • Strong Building Materials.
  • Eco-Friendly Build Materials.